I was listening to an episode of Father Mike Schmidts' Catechism in a Year this morning and he was discussion the four cardinal virtues: Temperance, Prudence, Justice, and Fortitude. Go give the episode a listen for yourself; its a 10 minute reading from the catechism and then a 10 minute or so reflection. Here are my thoughts on the readings and podcast. How would one succinctly summarize the moral life in one sentence that contains all the fruits of the four cardinal virtues? That is one heck of a challenge but I'll take a stab at it. Living the moral life, as God demands of us, might be put like so: it is doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason in the right way with the right implement to the benefit of the right cause especially when it is most difficult. Let me give a example from my start of the day today. It is waking up at 5:30am in order to pray my morning...