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List of Skills

Here lies a list of all the skills I have thus far acquired in my [insert age] years on this small rock hurtling through space. 

Active Skills

  1. Pickleball
  2. Ping pong
  3. Ultimate frisbee
  4. Capture the flag
  5. Road bike racing
  6. Track bike racing
  7. Mountain bike racing
  8. Disc golf
  9. Rollerblading
  10. Rock climbing
  11. Volley Ball
  12. Spike Ball
  13. Backpacking
  14. Endurance Kayaking
  1. Spades
  2. Settlers
  3. Monopoly
  4. Chess
  5. Hearts
  6. 7-1
  7. Poker (All)
  8. Pitch


  1. 3D Printing
  2. CNC Lathe and Mill (and Manuel)
  3. CAD Modeling
  4. Welding
  5. Power Tools
  6. Carpentry
  7. Inventing machines to do stuff or designing parts
  8. McGuyvering


  1. Using cast iron; pan or dutch oven
  2. All breakfast foods
  3. Pasta
  4. Nachos (like really, really good nachos)
  5. Knock-off chipotle bowls
  6. Anything with blueberries
  7. Beer Bread
  8. Sourdough
  9. Grill Master


  1. Walking with a Lady etiquette
  2. Tie a necktie (Knitted and Regular)
  3. Shining shoes
  4. Smoking cigars and drinking whiskey


  1. Know's 60 percent of the lyrics to most songs
  2. Can grow most plants.....probably
  3. I've got a lot of catch phrases and nicknames so thats cool
  4. Great at thrifting and finding treasures


  1. Origami (phase in grade school)
  2. Semi-pro lego builder

Potentially a Super Power

  1. "Know a guy" - if you need something/someone, I know someone that can help


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