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Poem: Happy Busy People

I feel like my brain is shredding apart

A million different things stretch my heart 

Tore up the script; where do I even start?

John, free to hangout? I’m about to dart 

Can't help but say yes to all the invites

Running around with all these socialites

Not enough sports but I'm tired of the bikes 

Looking around wishing I was taking flights

They telling me I should just be patient 

Odd, I thought I was your patient 

My heart's been shown to the medic tent

It's a hopeless case, all my time was spent

Attacks start to rain on my castle wall

"Don't get up again, you're going to fall!"

"You can't focus, oops you dropped the ball!"

"You're lost in the clouds about to stall!" 

I've had enough I'm breaking free

Dark One won't be the warden of me

I'll follow the King, you just watch and see 

About to leave my cell, finally found the key


  1. This is the contour of life John. Your poetic and direct description of what pulls at your mind, heart, and body is what the rational man deals with. “The unexamined life is not worth living” and yet sometimes we stand to scream, “to hell with the examined life, let me live the apparently normal and boring life of my neighbor who seems to be getting in just fine”. This ignores the facts I’m faced with, what’s in front of me that’s so challenging to wrestle with. The fact of my existence, my personal existence, if I am personally given life then so too is everyone else. There is a common fabric that binds us, but that makes me responsible for the other. You and I are intimately tied up by our very existence, the fact we met is a greater gift altogether. Let’s turn to Him together; the One who makes this all possible


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