A single ray penetrating the mine shaft Landed on two blue sapphires unsurpassed the stones glowed and glimmered lifting his soul casting far flung beauty in the deep dark hole Reminding the sooty miner of a higher prize On the homestead in his wife's sparkling blue eyes The first explorer sailing into the Caribbean Was amazed at the clear blue waters in new meridian A sailor for many years, he had seen seven seas Yet never chanced upon water that put him at ease Struck gazing at ripples the sailor recalled his home A port where his love's deep blue eyes similarly shone Quietly waiting in the gentle summer breeze The Old Man used binoculars to watch the trees He was keen to observe something particular Plumage of the Indigo Bunting, Blue Bird, or Warbler Seeing Two taking flight brought him memory of his missus When he used to sit and watch her fluttering blue iris' Two beautiful blue eyes are oft to capture Reminding men of gems, oceans, and na...