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Last Week with John # 1

 Last week was a wild week. Here's a full breakdown of everything I did that does not include getting paid to stare at a computer screen. 

Monday - Mass and group ride with the boys then indoor volleyball. Towards then end it all started to click and I was making really good sets and spikes. 

Tuesday - Almost crashed in the Tuesday Crit when my tire exploded in downhill corner with 3 laps to go. Then got locked out of my house for 2.5hrs. My neighbor Amanda and Husband Bobby (on the phone) and I tried picking the lock with an actual pick set. I got at best 4 out of the 5 pins and couldn't get it. Luckily a former roommate ended up having an old spare. 

The lockpicks in action

Wednesday - Road trip with Tommy down to StGen to watch him sing in a quartet featuring an accordion and a priest. Then I got to try the famous StGen pork burgers which as it turns out are quite delectable. Tommy showed me around the family farm which devolved into blasting around some trails on the family Mule. 

Thursday - I got to ride bikes with a super cool priest then I did nothing and it was glorious. 

Friday - Went line dancing with some buddies. It was a tactical error though because I don't know how to line dancing! It was not beginner friendly but I still had a blast trying. 

Saturday - Nico, Christian, and I were going to drive down to the family farm to get some stuff ready for blueberry season but halfway down we got called off due to a bad rain storm. So we pivoted! Being near Rolla we ended up driving down to *The Cave* and then over to the Johnson Shut-ins for some swimming. After we got back I went salsa dancing to the wee hours. 

Sunday - Mass then sand volleyball (I was there physically but mentally not really so I played like hot garbage.) Afterwards I just went home and made sourdough pizza, prepped some Kombucha, and finished Return of the King (AHHHH at last.) The pizza turned out really good. It was an alfredo sauce with pineapple, Canadian ham, and jalapenos . 

I didn't make it out to F3 at all so I definitely need be less lazy this week. When it was all said and done Sunday evening, I was thankful for the great times, but it was a lot of hustle and bustle. As Ferris Bueller famously says "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."


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