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Do I Have a Bucket List? You Betcha

     I was chatting with my good friend Claire the other night and she suggested I write about my bucket list. There are some pretty crazy and odd things on it. Of course there are adventures and accomplishments, but supplementing it are just odd things I want to experience some day. So take a look, comment on what I should maybe add or subtract. Or tell me your top bucket list items. Thanks! 

  1. Hike the Camino
  2. Hike the whole AT
  3. Hike the whole PCT
  4. Visit all the National Parks
  5. Race in a Category 1 bike race
  6. Learn to sail a boat
  7. Go scuba diving
  8. Hug a woman that is taller than me (not weird, I've just already hugged guys taller than me)
  9. Meet someone with different colored eyes
  10. Go to the Vatican
  11. Explore the world
  12. Sing Irish music in an Irish bar
  13. Learn to play the Banjo
  14. Visit a monastery and hangout with some monks
  15. Write a book
  16. Learn to make Kombucha 
  17. Write and sing a song
  18. Skydiving (duh)
  19. Go on an extended floating trip (portaging or source to sea kinda dealio)
  20. Build a full on car camping rig
  21. Forge my own knife or axe
  22. Read the bible in a year (I've had one attempt but didn't survive May) 
  23. Pray the Rosary every day for a year
  24. Compete in a pickleball tournament
  25. Build a bicycle frame (I actually have one mostly designed) 
  26. Read LOTR
  27. Learn to Ski
  28. Climb a 14er
  29. Recite poetry from memory in front of real people
  30. Learn a card trick
  31. Flagpole
  32. Grow my own food for an entire year (Devin has agreed to tentatively join me in this challenge)
  33. Learn Calligraphy
  34. Take BJJ classes
  35. Drive a manual
  36. Ty a bowtie
  37. Make pasta from scratch
  38. Get a motorcycle (Pop actually told me I should do this, but not tell my mom for atleast 6 months) 
  39. Live in another country for a bit
  40. Grow a Mountain Man beard
  41. Build/Rebuild a Car
  42. Build custom aero bike parts
  43. Juggle
  44. Train myself to be fully ambidextrous (really close. Can shave, play ping pong, and brush my teeth) 
  45. Patent something
  46. Learn to shoot archery and firearms
  47. Drink rum out of a coconut on a beach
  48. Learn to surf
  49. ?

This may get periodically updated.


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