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Swing Dancing is Awesome! My First Week in Review!

     I will lay my cards on the table. Swing dancing attracted me because I am interested in a girl that knows how to swing dance and what better excuse to literally get closer to her than by dancing together. This is my story of how I deep dove into the world of swing dancing and my first thoughts after a week of lessons (probably about 5 hours in total.) 

    It all started when my buddy Evan came over to play some ping pong at my apartment one Saturday. He soon found out that one of my roommates, Karleigh, is a swing dance instructor and they busted out some really impressive dances. I was so impressed I asked on the spot for them to teach me how to dance. A few hours later and I had the basics of East Coast swing dancing down; Ladies turn, Gentleman's turn, Open to Close, Pretzel, and Bowtie. The next day just so happened to be Sunday which is when the local swing dance club has their free classes. My roommate Ian is also learning so we went together and there I was exposed to the awesomeness of aerial stunts by learning something called the Torpedo. I quickly took to this and loved how technique, emotion, and strength blend together in an impressive presentation. 

Here is a video of my friend Ruth and I practicing Torpedo later that first week of dancing. 

    Now if having a roommate that is an instructor, a roommate that is also learning, and a local swing dance club is not enough: I have the Newman center where pretty much everyone loves to swing dance. Before this I'd always been more of a sidelines/wallflower kind of guy but now I dove in head first. Working with Kim and Ruth I learned even more: Tabletop, Tabletop with Dip, Birdie, Deep Dip, Princess Carry. Most importantly I learned how to really flow and also feel the music. It's not enough to know these moves if you can't link them together, be smooth, and have fun! I really had to humble myself because most of my learning eventually devolved into awkward hand grips, fitfully laughing apologies, and me tripping over myself. 

Here is a video of me learning Birdie. Look at how my form is really bad, I've got lots to learn here haha! 

    So after one full week of swing dancing, here are my thoughts. First: I think all men at the very least should learn or know dancing (my suggestion is obviously now swing dancing.) It is an activity, I'd argue,  that can build great virtue and practical skills: leading a woman, anticipating her needs (catching her, knowing where she's going, etc), confidence in oneself, physical strength and it's a happy activity that a couple can do together. This is important for men who someday might be husbands or fathers.  Second: a counter culture response to 'dancing' that is popular in our society among young people. The idea of going out to a club and grinding while attempting to drink so much you forget the night seems just BORING (not to mention morally deplorable) when compared to graceful swing dancing to great music in a lively and lovely atmosphere. If we want a return to good and fun dancing then we gots' to do our part. Third: I'm about to cancel my gym membership (it's free because I'm a student but you get the point.) Swing dancing is physically demanding to the point where my back and abs are incredibly sore at the time of this writing.

    A good friend asked me just yesterday, "I really suck at dancing and it seems like you picked up the basics quickly, what is your secret?" In my uninformed, unexperienced, and uncertified opinion its just the same for me as learning welding: be comfortable, be confident, and be humble. If you know the instructor, believe in yourself, and realize you have a steep learning curve ahead of you then you'll be just fine. It also doesn't hurt to remember you're having fun so laugh when you make mistakes and go wild when you even minorly succeed. 

Here is a video of my amazing roommate Karleigh reviewing what I learned this week in one dance. Enjoy! 


  1. JPR, this is wonderful. More, More MORE!! Give me details on foot-work, hand-work,.... MORE!!

  2. One more comment - as you get better and better, slow it down, put more hip-action into it. But it's GREAT!


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