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A Laborious Breakfast

    I arose this morning sharply at 4:00 a.m. Magnificently thankful for yesterday's John going to bed on time, I hopped out of bed and folded my blankets. As the morning was slowly coming to me I too slowly started to wake up. Eventually I sauntered into my closet, donned my hiking clothes and pulled out my Osprey. 

    As the morning wore on I bustled about the apartment grabbing this thing and that thing and forgetting to grab that other thing...maybe twice... and around about 5:00am I was finally ready to go. Almost. The one thing I was missing was pancake mix. Fortunately, my friend Claire was awake so I zoomed over and borrowed some flower, salt, sugar, and baking powder. After topping off the gas tank I hit the pitch black road. 

    I exited the highway and pulled into the parking lot at Spring Creek Recreation Area after a short 20 minute drive north. After switching my Barefoots for hiking boots, gloving (yes, that is actually a word, it means to furnish with gloves) my hands, and hitching up the ole' backpack then I was ready to go. Through the pitch black forest I began my trek. Now, its been a while since I've hiked 1)by myself, 2)in the dark, and 3) by myself in the dark. If I'm being honest, it was really really really (really) scary. The sharp cut of my flashlight was only able to pierce a small portion of the woods at a time and I was constantly battling the feeling of eyes on me or stumbling upon some trap. At first I tried to reason my fear; I'm basically at the top of the food chain in central Missouri ecosystem. When that gave way to fear of other people then I just figured my best bet was martial arts or running. Then things got really scary so I started saying some prayers to my guardian angel which evolved into me praying a rosary. 

    By the third decade I had reached my destination. A cleared hillside in the forest that overlooks a valley with rolling hills; the perfect spot for a sunrise.....and breakfast. I began making a campfire with extreme expediency that was motivated by the 15 degree weather and howling wind. In a few quick minutes I had a raging fire with a cozy stone ring. While the flames where licking the air at my chin I unpacked the usual suspects: coffee grounds, filter paper, camp pot, mug, and drip holder. As the sky started to go from pitch black to blue and the stars began to retire I was enjoying a nice cup of Joe.

    Now it was time for the real show to begin. The sunrise was quickly approaching as my fire transitioned from roaring flames to searing coals. I then unpacked my cast iron pot and started to pre-heat it. While I let the second law of thermodynamics do its thing, I grabbed a zip lock bag and added in all the ingredients for breakfast: pancake mix, water, eggs, and a smooooooshed banana. After mixing it by hand in the Ziplock bag I was ready to get after it. As the sky just started to burst with orange I poured the first pancake out onto the pan and listened to the cracking coals and cooing crows. 

    In short order the first shortcake was ready. Now, if you know anything about me, its that I love making good pancakes. For me, the perfect pancake is a always sought after but never achieved journey. I'm always making tweaks to my master recipe and trying to perfect them. Today however, was the biggest step forward, for I consumed, hands down, the best pancake of my entire life. Sure it was cooked unevenly, had some charcoal float into it, and I didn't even have butter, but it was the best. I think in  part it was a dang fine recipe, but the largest contributor was the journey and effort it took to make. I then enjoyed 2 more delicious pancakes and even fried up some blackberries to put on one. 

    As breakfast drew to a close I put everything away and cozied up to the coals. The sun was almost fully up now and the sky was afire. The finale was then over right as the coals fizzled out so I picked up my pack and headed home; with a full stomach and a joyful heart. I have no doubt in my mind that this experience taught me something bigger about life; but you'll have to write me a letter to get those thoughts. 


John Rausch




  1. Ahhh, thank you John. Believe it's time for my pancakes too. EXCEPT, you forgot one ingredient; pecans! Gotta add a little pecan fragments! THX!!


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